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Gaelscoil Mhainistir Na Corann Cork

Ár Lochán Bithéagsúlachta

Táimid fíor bhuíoch do Mhuintir Chearúil Mainnín as ucht a n-obair dheonach chun críoch álainn a chur ar ár lochán bithéagsúlachta in aice leis an seomra seachtrach. Bígí cinnte cuairt a thabhairt air! 

We are very grateful to the Carroll Manning family for the extremely professional finish on our biodiversity pond. Their voluntary efforts have truly added to the atmosphere of the outdoor classroom. We hope you have the opportunity to visit it soon. 


Scoileanna Ghlasa

Goal 1: To ensure that both the school and wider community are aware of the school`s involvement in the Green School`s Travel Programme.

Goal 2: To research school travel patterns and identify areas for improvement.

Goal 3: To promote and increase more active modes of transport to and from school; namely walking, park and stride, car-pooling and scooting.

Goal 4: To reduce the number of students being driven to and from school by car by 5% and to increase park and stride to and from school by 5%.

Progress to date from 26-10-2016 to present:

  • There are 10% less cars travelling to school. We have successfully doubled our target.
  • Cycling to school has increased by 0.2%.
  • School bus use to school has increased by 3.3%.
  • Park and Stride to school has increased by 9%.
  • There has been a 20% decrease in the use of cars going from school.
  • There has been an increase of 5.6% in bus use from school.
  • There has been an increase of 18.5% in Park and Stride from school.

Spriocanna don Ceathrú Brat-Taisteal

Sprioc 1:  A Chinntiú go bhfuil Cláir Taistil na Scoileanna Glasa ar eolas ag pobal uile na scoile agus iad a spreagadh chun páirt gníomhach a ghlacadh inti.

Sprioc 2:  Taighde a dhéanamh ar phatrúin taistil na scoile & réimsí a shainaithint inar féidir ár n-gníomhaíochtaí taistil a fheabhsú.

Sprioc 3:  Pobal uile na scoile a spreagadh chun modhanna inbhuanaithe taistil a úsáid ar nós; siúl, páirceáil & siúl, carr-roinnt agus scútáil níos minicí.

Sprioc 4: Líon na ndaltaí a thaistealaíonn ar agus ón scoil ina gcarranna príobhaideacha a laghdú de 5% agus líon na ndaltaí a dhéanann páirceáil & siúl ar scoil agus ón scoil a mhéadú de 5%.

Dul chun cinn go dtí seo

  • Tá 10% níos lú carranna ag taisteal ar scoil. Tá ár sprioc dúbailte againn anseo!
  • Tá rothaíochta ar scoil méadaithe de 0.2%.
  • Tá taisteal ar bhus ar scoil meadaithe de 3.3%.
  • Tá pairceáil & siúl ar scoil meadaithe de 9%.
  • Tá laghdú 20% ar líon na carranna ag taisteal abhaile ón scoil.
  • Tá meadú 5.6% ar thaisteal ar bhus abhaile ón scoil.
  • Tá méadú 18.5% ar phairceáil & siúl abhaile ón scoil.
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